Work Packages
WP 1 – Management and organisation
Recruitment, progress monitoring, risk management, facilitating meeting and communications, progress reports, audit reports, and training support.
WP leader: University of Borås/Coordinator
WP 2 – Textile thinking for adaptive and responsive architecture – the scale of the building
This programme examines the largest-scale engagement of the research cluster. Using textiles as a material for adaptive and responsive architecture, the aim is to consider the structural, material and interactive complexities of the field and to further develop textile thinking in the field of architecture. The programme involves five ESRs, each with their own research project addressing one of the following three research topics:
2.1 Textile structures for adaptive and responsive architecture (textile architecture – 2 ESRs, Berlin University of the Arts)
2.2 Designing adaptive and responsive textiles (textile and fashion design – 2 ESRs, Royal College of Art, University of Borås)
2.3 Designing for adaptive and responsive far-field interactions (textile interaction design – 1 ESR, Royal College of Art)
WP leader: The Berlin University of the Arts
WP 3 – Textile thinking for adaptive and responsive interior design – the scale of the interior
The programme examines the middle scale of the research cluster, and, using textiles as spatial dividers, looks at the spatial functions, the decorative potentials, and the interactive relationships these textiles can embody. The programme involves five ESRs, each with their own project addressing one of the following research topics:
3.1 Textile structures for adaptive and responsive interiors (textile design – 2 ESRs, Royal College of Art, University of Borås/AB Ludvig Svensson)
3.2 Designing bespoke textiles for interior performance (textile and fashion design – 2 ESRs, Vilnius Academy of Arts)
3.3 Designing for adaptive and responsive near-field interactions (textile interaction design – 1 ESR, Berlin University of the Arts)
WP leader: Royal College of Art
WP 4 – Textile thinking for the design of adaptive and responsive wearables – the scale of the body
This programme examines the scale of the body through experimental explorations guided by the development of textile thinking in wearable design. The programme involves five ESRs, each with their own project addressing one of the following research topics:
4.1 Textile structures for adaptive and responsive clothing (textile design – 2 ESR:s, Heriot-Watt University)
4.2 Designing adaptive and responsive clothing (fashion design – 2 ESR:s, University of Borås, Eindhoven University of Technology)
4.3 Designing for adaptive and responsive wearable interactions (textile interaction design – 1 ESR, Eindhoven University of Technology/Philips
WP leader: University of Borås
WP 5 – Network wide training activities
Summerschools, Common Courses and Workshops
Individual study plan for doctoral students
WP leader: Unversity of Borås
WP 6 – Dissemination and exploitation
Exhibitions, Publications, Dissemination and exploitation of research results
WP leader: Eindhoven University of Technology