EXHIBITION: MoOD and Indigo Brussels
7 Sep 2017 6-8 September at Tour & Taxis, Havenlaan 88, 1000 Brussels. Smart Textiles Design Lab at the University of Borås will exhibit in Hall 1, stand B17. Smart Textiles Design Lab is presenting the ongoing research in smart textiles design which is conducted at the Swedish School of Textiles and within the ArcintexETN project. The research projects exhibited will showcase advancement in textile techniques; explorations in new materials, e.g., thermochromics, kinetic yarns, living/growing textiles and 3D printed textiles; and propose new ways of living with smart textiles.
Summer school 3 – Research, career development and business plans, Eindhoven
7 Jul 2017 7-14 July. The third summer school will focus in the development of business plans based in exploitation of the the results of design-led research.
Exhibition: Speculate, collaborate, define – textile thinking for future ways of living
23 Mar 2017 23 March 2017 – 15 May 2017 Textile Museum, Skaraborgsvägen 3, Borås, Sweden How can we design for the future? In this avant-garde exhibition architects, interaction designers and textile designers show their works in progress when they speculate about, collaborate on, and define how to strengthen the foundations of design for more sustainable forms of living. Opening at Thursday 23 March at 4 p.m. Admission free. Welcome! Read more about the exhibition
Common course 2 – Embodied textile interaction design, Vilnius
12 Feb 2017 5-10 May 2017. This research course will explore the dynamic and interactive qualities of textiles and how these relate to ways of being and living. Agenda and more information.
EU Midterm meeting, Borås
22 Nov 2016 Midterm meeting with the European Commission.
EU Midterm meeting, Borås
21 Nov 2016 Midterm meeting with the European Commission.
1 Sep 2016 During autumn 2016 all the researchers are doing their first periode of secondments. They will work at other schools in the network, working on development projects to exploit the maximum potential of professional and complementary skills and network-wide training. For more details and schedule, se page 16-17 in the PhD-guide.
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions satellite event, Manchester
28 Jul 2016 The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions satellite event “Research and society” will be held during 28-29 July in Manchester. More information in the conference programme
ESOF Conference, Manchester
23 Jul 2016 ESOF, Euro Science Open Forum is the largest European science conference gathering world famous researchers and scientists from all disciplines. It takes place every two years, next time it will be held in Manchester 23-27 July. The PhD students in the ArcInTexETN will participate. More information about ESOF on their website.
Summer school 2: Research entrepreneurship, London
15 Jul 2016 The ArcInTexETN Summer School No. 2: Research entrepreneurship in the academic and non academic area will take place at The Royal College of Art in London, July 15-22. The PhD students will collaborate within the theme Innovative business ideas based on individual design. Click here to download the program (pdf).
Design Week, Vilnius
2 May 2016 Juste Peciulyte, Sara Lundberg and Vidmina Staciulyte, PhD Students in the ArcInTexETN project will participate in the Design Week in Vilnius by giving workshops and lectures with focus on sustainable ways on future living. Interior Performance (Juste and Sara) and Sounding Objects and Growing Bioplastic (Vidmina). Design Week, Vilnius (link)
Fashion Hack Day, Berlin
29 Apr 2016 The world’s first hackathon on fashion and tech is taking place in Berlin 29th of April to 1st of May. Within 48h the international avant garde of design and technology will be working interdisciplinary on the future topic of digital fashion. Accompanied by partners from media, science and industry groundbreaking concepts will be developed, which are indicating already today how future’s fashion will satisfy the newly needs of a digital society. The originated showcase prototypes will be publicly set in scene in a fashion show with a wide media audience. More information (pdf).
Smell the Material – workshop in Zürich
21 Apr 2016 The workshop is about exploring “Smells” as a material. Using the invisible, intangible, highly volatile and randomly moving character of smell to incorporate in your own work or research. Workshop responsible: Jyoti Kapur, PhD Student, ArcInTexETN. Program (pdf)
Workshop 1: Professional skills training, Eindhoven
18 Apr 2016 The ArcInTexETN Workshop No. 1 Professional skills training will take place at University of Technology in Eindhoven, April 18-20. Read more about the workshop.
ArcInTex Network, Workshops and Conference, Borås
11 Apr 2016 The next ArcInTex Network meeting will take place at The Swedish School of Textiles, University of Borås, April 11-15. Workshop will be held during April 11-13 and the conference during April 14-15. More information in the conference programme. Registration form
Symposium at University of the Arts, Berlin
28 Feb 2016 Sunday, 28th of February Place: Hardenbergstrasse 333, room 310 (3rd floor), 10623 Berlin In the context of the ArcInTexETN research programme, the Chair for Digital and Experimental Design (Prof. Dr. Norbert Palz) at Berlin University of the Arts is cordially inviting you to the international symposium. Click here to download the program (PDF).
ArcInTex Workshops
23 Feb 2016 Workshop at the UdK, Hardenbergstr. 33, Room 310, 3rd floor, 10623 Berlin Students and guests are welcome. Date: 23-25 February Click here to download the program (PDF)
Common Course 1: Textile architecture – Activating the surface, Berlin
22 Feb 2016 This research course on textile architecture will discuss the role of textiles in architectural design, with a dual focus on spatial and structural implications. Deliverables: papers on theoretical viewpoints within the field and mapping the research practice of the ESRs themselves into this field; and oral presentation in front of peers. Read more about the course.
Conference, Berlin
23 Sep 2015 This is the first time that the ArcInTex ETN project is presented in public. During the WearIt Festival the keynote by Dr. Oscar Tomico will present the ArcInTexETN project and there will also be 3 exhibitions by partner organisations. Read more (PDF)
Summer School 1: Practise-based research methods, Berlin
21 Sep 2015 This is the first Summer School for ArcInTexETN. It took place in Berlin and during two weeks all of the PhD students and Supervisors met, learnt and created in workshops. Full program for the Summer School in Berlin (PDF).
The London KickOff
21 Jan 2015 For three days the members of ArcInTexETN met at the Royal College of Art in London to discuss the content of the network and the recruitment of new PhD-students. Below you can see some glimpses from the KickOff.